Floating to Inpatient PACU as an Outpatient PACU Nurse

It’s one of the most dreaded things you hear as an outpatient PACU nurse: “You’re being floated to the main PACU.” This time, though, I had no one to blame but myself—I willingly signed up to work the day after Christmas because, as a Per Diem Nurse, I dont get holiday pay. And guess what?… Continue reading Floating to Inpatient PACU as an Outpatient PACU Nurse

What is Per Diem Nursing: Insights from a Real Per Diem Nurse

Per Diem Nursing Meaning  Per diem, meaning “per day,” refers to a daily rate or allowance paid to an employee for each day worked. In the healthcare industry, per diem nursing is a type of nurse commonly used to address staffing shortages or adjust to fluctuating patient volumes. Unlike full-time or part-time positions, Per diem… Continue reading What is Per Diem Nursing: Insights from a Real Per Diem Nurse